The Highlandtown Arts District is the largest district in the city, encompassing five neighborhoods. Artists who live in the district and produce work from their home are eligible for a state income tax break for income earned from that work.
Check to see if an address is within our district boundaries by using CoDeMap (make sure to turn on the ‘Arts District’ layer).

Start with housing counseling! Most of the incentives listed below require a homebuying education certificate from a HUD-certified housing counseling agency, like the Southeast CDC.
Anyone purchasing a home in the Highlandtown Arts District may be eligible for the following residential incentives:
Live Baltimore: Buying Into Baltimore
$5,000 downpayment incentive; 5-year forgivable loan
Geography: entirety of Highlandtown Arts District
Live Baltimore: Buy Back the Block
Grants for Baltimore City residents who rent and purchase within grant-eligible boundaries. $10,000 downpayment incentive or $20,000 home purchase & renovation grant.
Geography: specific census tracts in the Highlandtown Arts District
Southeast CDC: BRNI Boost
$15,000 downpayment incentives (0% interest loans) that are paid back when the home is re-sold.

Geography: Southeast CDC’s state-designated BRNI area closely matches the Highlandtown Arts District except for a section of Canton
Healthy Neighborhoods: Purchase/Rehab Loan
Below-market interest rate loan to purchase and renovate a home in a Healthy Neighborhood.
Geography: Patterson Park, Highlandtown, Baltimore Highlands are eligible neighborhoods in the Highlandtown Arts District
Healthy Neighborhoods: Home Improvement Loan
Borrow between $5,000 and $20,000 for a home improvement at a home you own and live in, plus get up to $10,000 in matching grant funds.
Geography: Patterson Park, Highlandtown, Baltimore Highlands are eligible neighborhoods in the Highlandtown Arts District

Need more info? Contact Molly McCullagh, Southeast CDC’s Deputy Director, at or 410-342-3234 x35.