You bundle up… we’ll bring the cheer! Get ready for a night of celebration and holiday shopping!
Start your night early at 4pm with the Highlandtown Holiday Night Market at Creative Alliance featuring 20+ artists and makers!
Enjoy family fun from 4:30-6:30pm outside the Southeast Anchor Library with FREE photos with Santa, tunes by DJ Eddible, performances by Charm City Sings and Desi Moves & Vibes, FREE cocoa from High Ground Cafe, FREE snacks from Vargas Bakery and the annual tree lighting! The Train Garden is open, too!
Holiday shopping & fun continues at our Art Walk venues. Don’t miss…
- Happy Holigays Mini Market at Dreamers & Make-Believers Books
- Annual Holiday Market + Jam Session at The Hub @3522
- 15th Anniversary + End of Year Show at Crystal Moll Gallery
- Double Holiday Pop-Up Trunk Show at Highlandtown Gallery
- Beer Tasting at Off the Rox
- Ornament Extravaganza and $50 gift card raffle at Locality
- Jewelry Pop-Up at Charmington Holistics
- Christmas Wonderland installation + holiday cocktails at Sally O’s
- The Baltimore Mushroom Company Pop-Up at RoofTop Hot
- New work by Collin Cessna at Snake Hill
…plus, shopping and eating at all your favorite spots!
There’s no better way to start December than with friends, family & neighbors during a full night of fun and festivities in Highlandtown!
For ART WALK MAP with all venues, addresses and event descriptions, CLICK HERE!
Art Walk FAQ
When is the event?
This event takes place from 5-9pm on the first Friday of each month – a list of dates is below. Hours vary by location, be sure to check the map for details!
Is it free?
The Art Walk is FREE to attend, with drink and food specials at restaurants and bars like Snake Hill, Sally O’s, Mystic Burrito, and Filippo’s Restaurant (and more!). The Art Walk is self-guided–be sure to check the map for venue details.
It’s my first time attending, where should I start?
You can start at any participating venue and create your own route. We suggest first-time visitors start at either Creative Alliance (3134 Eastern Ave) or Highlandtown Gallery (248 S. Conkling St), which is near several venues and has free street parking, too.
How do I get there and where do I park?
Free street-parking is available throughout the neighborhood. Metered parking is available on Eastern Ave and Conkling Street (and is free after 6pm). City buses #21, #22, Navy, Blue bring you to the district.
Where should I eat?
There are many restaurants including carry-out, fast-casual and sit-down. We recommend you decide where to eat early in the night, as popular spots like Mystic Burrito, Matthew’s Pizza, Snake Hill and Sally O’s get crowded. (Please note, Sally O’s takes reservations).
Is there a bathroom at the event?
Bathrooms are available at most venues and restaurants. Just ask at the venue and they’ll direct you to the nearest facility.
I’m an artist, performer or vendor! How do I participate?!
Artists, performers and vendors can join our “Art Walk Vendor List” by completing this online form. We share this with our venues and they’ll reach out if interested.
You’re also welcome to attend an Art Walk, meet our venues and make a match directly!
If you’ve got an Art Walk question email

2024 Art Walk dates
• February 2
• March 1
• April 5
• May 3
• June 7
• July 5 (no Art Walk due to holiday…some venues may open)
• August 2
• September 6
• October 4
• November 1
• December 6
Did you know the ha! team holds curated Art Walk tours on selected dates? Follow the links below to sign up for one of our tours and let’s do Art Walk night together!
May 3:
Tour in English: Register here
Tour en español: Reserva tu ticket aquí
June 7:
Tour in English: Register here
September 6:
Tour in English: Register here
October 4:
Tour in English: Register here