To see Highlandtown’s Painted Screens simply look up!

Celebrating over a century of screen painting, colorful new window screens are being installed all over Highlandtown, at the very heart of the neighborhoods where this summertime tradition began and flourished. Scroll down to see some of our new screens! Honoring the beautiful work done in the past, new artists are engaging in this vibrant… Continue reading To see Highlandtown’s Painted Screens simply look up!

Highlandtown’s BUS garners international attention

“Artists like to explain their work, but this is a piece of work very, very easy to  understand,” said Ciro Márquez, describing the new piece next to the Creative Alliance on S. East Ave. Márquez—who is part of mmmm…—a Madrid-based artist collective that also includes Eva Salmerón, Alberto Alarcón and Emilio Alarcón—was speaking about what… Continue reading Highlandtown’s BUS garners international attention