First Friday Art Walk: OCT 5

FRI OCT 5  ǀ   5-9 PM Join us for the OCT 5 First Friday Art Walk with over 15 venues featuring live music, art demos, drink specials, tasty eats and more! This month features the “Thrills & Chills” of fall PLUS a special Happy Hour with Live Baltimore. As always the Art Walk is FREE to… Continue reading First Friday Art Walk: OCT 5

Small Business Saturday 2017

SAT. NOV. 25, 8am-noon Conkling Plaza (Conkling St & Eastern Ave) We are truly grateful to everyone who supported small and local businesses in Highlandtown this holiday season, especially on Small Business Saturday. Below are pictures from our Sat. Nov 25 event.

Visit Highlandtown’s businesses

Welcome to vibrant Highlandtown, home of fabulous art galleries, authentic food from around the world, and unique retail businesses! Highlandtown is a place where you want to hang out, bring your friends, and be yourself. We are a neighborhood filled with diverse people sharing great experiences. We care about each other and local businesses and we… Continue reading Visit Highlandtown’s businesses

Categorized as Shopping

Highlandtown emerges as food oasis

“There were grocery stores all over the neighborhood.” Every time a Highlandtown old-timer has a conversation, this sentence is uttered at least once. The standard reaction is “Huh,” or “Oh yeah?” but think about it. The humble corner grocer factors heavily into Baltimore lore. A Czech grocer named William Oktavec painted the screens of his… Continue reading Highlandtown emerges as food oasis

Categorized as Shopping