Project Restore 2024 FAQ

Below are answers to some of your Frequently Asked Questions for Project Restore: Highlandtown.

1. What kinds of properties are available?
Properties have been pre-selected for this program that meet MD DHCD Project Restore requirements. Of those selected, they are zoned in C-1 or C-2 (commercial use areas, per Baltimore City’s zoning code). They range from 1000-2100 square feet each. More information on each property can be found at the links below:
400 S. Conkling St.
406 S. Conkling St.
3215 Eastern Ave.
3821 Eastern Ave.

2. I’m looking for space for manufacturing/production. Am I eligible?
As per MD DHCD guidelines, the emphasis on Project Restore is for first floor commercial retail space. All properties selected for the program are zoned C-1 or C-2 (commercial use per Baltimore City’s zoning code). While a portion of your space may be used for production, we expect a retail component to be included in your business plan.

3. I’m looking for an artist studio. Am I eligible?
As per MD DHCD guidelines, the emphasis on Project Restore is for first floor commercial retail space. All properties selected for the program are zoned C-1 or C-2 (commercial use per Baltimore City’s zoning code). While a portion of your space may be used for as a studio, we expect a retail component to be included in your business plan.

4. What types of businesses are considered complimentary to the Highlandtown Arts & Entertainment district?
We welcome applications from arts businesses (ex: galleries, performance space, arts retail, etc.), restaurants and bars, retail establishments and/or any business use that does not currently exist in the district. Overall, any new venture that can help us continue to activate our area will be considered. 

5. Will any of the participating properties have housing options?
Two of the participating properties will have apartments available for rent at some point in their development. This is, however, not part of our Project Restore program as funds are only eligible for commercial rent, not residential rent. We recommend attending our property tours to get more information about the property development.

6. Will the participating properties be available for purchase?
Unfortunately, that is not a question we can answer as we are not the property owners. As far we understand, these properties are only available for commercial rent. Any purchase or ownership conservation would need to happen directly with the property owner and outside our Project Restore program.

7. Is this for new businesses or can established businesses apply?
This grant is for new or established businesses to apply, as long as the applicant is interested in locating to one of the vacant properties participating in the program. New business owners are encouraged to include their industry or related experience in their application and/or business plan.
If you have a business looking for additional funding opportunities, there are additional resource listed here.

8. What should the business owner resume include?
We’d like to learn more about your experience in the field you are choosing to start a business in. This might include volunteer work or other non-work-related endeavors. Maybe you’ve worked at a restaurant for a significant time and are now thinking of starting your own. This would be something you could add to your resume. There might also be aspects of your professional life that will support your entrepreneurial journey. You might have an accounting background or a community organizing background and choose to add how these skills will help you run your business.

9. Are the properties customizable?
Yes! Three of the properties are in the process of renovations and are waiting for their new tenant to make final fit-outs. Once a tenant is secured, contractors will finish the space based on the tenant/business needs. Our last and most turnkey ready location (406 S. Conkling) also has some customizable aspects. Funds from our Project Restore program can be use towards these renovations.

10. How do I create a budget for my business plan or remaining fit-out costs when there’s limited time to get estimates from contractors before the application is due?
We are not expecting a full budget included in your business plan. Our goal with requesting a business plan from applicants is to help us understand your vision and the preparation that has gone in so far. The assumption here is also that if this funding was not available, you as the entrepreneur, would need to seek other financing options depending on the type of business you are planning to open. This could be a loan from a bank or CDFI (Community Development Financial Institutions), personal line of credit, investor, etc.

11. What will the review process look like?
We will be gathering a review committee made up of local business owners to help bring an on-the-ground perspective to all the applications. The review committee will not be selecting or ranking applicants but will be adding their feedback on your vision and overall brick-and-mortar readiness. Once feedback has been gathered, we will send applications to property owners for final selection.

12. What support will your office have after the match is made? 
One of the main goals of this program is to have selected businesses open (with a U&O) by December 2025. To that end, once a final match is made, we will be working together very closely to ensure a successful opening. This might look like monthly check-ins, navigating city agencies, getting through permits, etc. We look forward to working together.

13. Will there be any contracts?
Yes, aside from the lease, the business/tenant selected will have to enter into a sub-agreement with Southeast CDC.

14. What should the business plan look like?
We are not looking for a particular business plan style or aesthetic. A basic google doc would suffice. What we are interested in is the content. We ask for a business plant to better understand your vision and get a sense of all the planning that has gone towards your enterprise thus far. Check out this great resource from the SBA on writing a business plan (including examples!): Write your business plan | U.S. Small Business Administration (

15. How will grant awards be allocated per property?
We are still in the process of determining exact amounts. That said, we based the $20,000 – $60,000 range on the current state of the properties. This means that a warm or cold shell property will likely be at the higher end of this range, while our turnkey property is more likely to be on the lower end of this range. We will make sure this information is available in time for tenant lease negotiations with property owners.

This page was last updated on 10/03/2024.